Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First step to my webquest

It turned out a sunny day, making me feel "bright" even when I think about my assignment. Debra showed some webquests created by former students. I was shocked at what I saw: beautiful, creative, colorful, complicated...... I thought creating a webquest of my own was a mission impossible. However, last Saturday' s workshop made impossible possible. I learned how to start my creation. Just as the old saying goes,there are no difficult things in the world. If you try, difficult things become easy. If you don't try, easy things become difficult. Aha, I am on my way to a wonderful webquest. I am progressing.

1 comment:

EnjoytheLife said...

Hi Jean!
the flower is so beautiful and I like it very much! Every time when I visit your blog, I can find something new. You are hard-working.
